Technology in the Classroom

Various educational related icons swirl out of laptop screen.Technology changes rapidly and what is current and trendy today is yesterday’s technology after-thought.  I have been afforded the opportunity to teach Technology Applications and during my time as an educator I have witnessed the explosion of technology trends and the integration of new tech tools.  Although, teaching in a technology classroom has not always been easy.  Just a few years ago my colleagues and myself thought we might be replaced with online courses.  However, I am learning through my education and experience in the classroom this is just the opposite.  Educators are needed and must find ways to connect with 21st century learners as I describe in my discussion post on integrating educational technology.  Technology is the tool to connect learning with the content and I am the facilitator of the process creating student-centered learning opportunities.

Over the summer of 2012, I had the opportunity to create curriculum for a new class I began teaching, Digital Video & Audio Design.  I designed the curriculum and created lessons that would be engaging and interactive. Technology was always a classroom resource, but how was I going to integrate these tools?  I realize now how little I did know about utilizing technology effectively for student use and transfer of knowledge.  As I grow as an educator I want to move past the video tutorial and experiment with flipped classrooms, mobile devices, and educational social media to fully engage students in the learning process.  One caveat with new and evolving technology is the appropriate implementation and integration.  My discussion post over Alan November’s, “Scourge of Technolust” exemplifies how administrators should lead with technology to complements the learning process.

Master Trainer

One of the limitations of integrating technology into the classroom is the lack of training for teachers.  I have witnessed a need for districts to provide proper training to assist teachers on how to implement new technology to complement the learning.  Bringing new resources to teachers and 21st century learners is a focus for me as a Master Trainer on my campus.  In my discussion post over the influence of teacher use of technology, the breadth of technology integration is becoming more widespread as schools are looking to find ways to change the teaching methods to present and deliver instruction.  As a Master Trainer, my focus is not just to understand the software or hardware being implemented but also to guide teachers as they increase their confidence with new technology.  Recently, I conducted a staff development presentation over integrating technology with the flipped classroom approach.  The objective was to inform teachers about new technologies available to allow for student-centered learning.  The technology I presented provides opportunities for teachers to record their computer screen for a flipped classroom instruction, student tutorials, and assist students not present for the lesson.  The Integrating Technology presentation generated interest in the screen recording software mentioned and eased some teachers intimidation with technology usage.

Learning Without a Test

Opened book or folder from tablet pc. 3dOpportunities for learning and assessment are transforming the methods and strategies students learn through.  An ePortfolio is an opportunity for learning without the need for formative and summative testing.  The ePortfolio affordances focus on what I have created and constructed rather than the digital tool or resource I used.  The artifacts included in this ePortfolio documents my skills, abilities, and acquisition of knowledge.   I am learning without the need for a formal test as I self-evaluate artifacts to showcase my learning.  Lifelong learning is depicted through this ePortfolio as I progress through my education and professional career.

Technology Resources

There are many technology applications from mobile to desktop that are allowing students access to real world applications.  These applications provide students with opportunities to explore technology and construct knowledge through their explorations and problem-solving abilities.  I have included a list of resources I use in and out of the classroom on the Technology Resources page.

Technology Artifacts:
