Week 4: Trends & Issues in IDT 2
on 27 Jun, 2013
In ETEC 561 - Instructional Design & Technology

Various Contexts in Instructional Design Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) is in demand more than ever these days due to technology and how it is shrinking national borders and creating a competitive global economy. IDT is being used across commercial, education, government, and health care sectors around the world.
Week 3: Evaluating Programs & Human Performance Technology 4
on 20 Jun, 2013
In ETEC 561 - Instructional Design & Technology

All too often instruction is developed with little thought as to how evaluation of learning or the effectiveness of the instruction will take place. When evaluation is considered on the front end of the instructional design process, it is often limited to evaluating whether the instructional design is more
Week 2: Theories & Models of Learning & Instruction 3
on 13 Jun, 2013
In ETEC 561 - Instructional Design & Technology

Epistemology and Learning Theories Epistemology, the study of what and how we come to know, has been challenging researchers over the years to develop instructional theories to help learners acquire knowledge. Epistemology is a philosophy which focuses on the mind and how it functions in knowledge acquisition. Instructional theories
Week 1: Defining the Field 5
on 6 Jun, 2013
In ETEC 561 - Instructional Design & Technology

1. How do the definitions in the first chapter compare to your own definition of instructional or educational technology? One thing I found very interesting is how long instructional technology has been in existence. My definition or my first thoughts of instructional technology begins in the mid-90’s. One thing