Portfolio Playground 0
on 28 Jul, 2013
In ETEC 524 - Intro to Educational Technology

Exploring ePortfolio Tools Collaboration tools entering the “Information Super Highway” are becoming more common with high speed Internet and the thought of creating/developing the next Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, and LinkedIn just to name a few. The options are almost endless but where to start and what are the best
Blogosphere Environment 0
on 20 Jul, 2013
In ETEC 524 - Intro to Educational Technology

For my Digital Video & Audio Design course, it is very difficult to get students to want to write. As a technology elective course, the students want to use technology without applying any of the knowledge they acquire from their core content classes. Last year I had an idea
Week 5: Current Issues & New Directions 0
on 3 Jul, 2013
In ETEC 561 - Instructional Design & Technology

The changing landscape of Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) with new and emerging technologies has the field constantly evaluating the direction for effective instructional design. These emerging technologies are e-learning environments, learning objects, Web 2.0 technologies, rich media, digital games and simulations, and virtual worlds. Three of these emerging