Conversations in Cyberspace 0
on 13 Apr, 2014
In HIED 595 - Reseach Methodologies

Conversations in Cyberspace: a study of online learning The world of online learning has researchers interested in student interactions with classmates and the instructor through distant learning. This cyber-ethnography research introduces researchers to the methodology to acquire large amounts of data from complex and diverse communities as an “invisible
End-User Acceptance of a Learning Management System 0
on 29 Mar, 2014
In HIED 595 - Reseach Methodologies

End-User Acceptance of a Learning Management System in Two Hybrid Large-Sized Introductory Undergraduate Courses: A Case Study This correlational study explored student acceptance and attitude towards the use of the WebCT learning management system (LMS) at the University of Central Florida. The purpose was to gain a better understanding
From Device Centric to People Centric Computing 0
on 8 Mar, 2014
In HIED 595 - Reseach Methodologies

From Device Centric to People Centric Ubiquitous Computing: Pre-service Teachers Using Technology Across Spaces Summary: The purpose of this study was to identify how pre-service teachers utilize a one-to-one laptop initiative all through out their education and daily lives. This initiative focused on developing pre-service teachers’ technology proficiency; and
Project-Based Learning: an Effective Approach 0
on 1 Mar, 2014
In HIED 595 - Reseach Methodologies

Project-Based Learning: an Effective Approach to Link Teacher Professional Development and Students Learning Summary: This mixed-methods research was conducted over a two and half year period studying the experimentation and evaluation of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in teacher professional development and linking it to student learning. The outcome of the
Online Versus Face-to-Face Instruction 0
on 22 Feb, 2014
In HIED 595 - Reseach Methodologies

Online versus face-to-face instruction: Analysis of gender and course format in undergraduate business statistics courses Summary: Online courses are becoming more common in higher education. This article is a quantitative research project evaluating the performance differences between online and face-to-face college courses for both male and female students. Critique:
Impact of the Flipped Classroom Peer Review Article 0
on 22 Jan, 2014
In HIED 595 - Reseach Methodologies

Looking at the Impact of the Flipped Classroom Model of Instruction on Undergraduate Multimedia Students at CSUN Summary: The flipped classroom article I located is a quantitative research study to explore the effects of delivering course content in a web design course using a flipped classroom framework. The research